7 Reasons Why Every Programmer Should Take Cristiano Ronaldo as an Idol

Muntasir Al Mamun
3 min readSep 7, 2024


As programmers, we often look up to tech leaders or coding wizards for inspiration. But what if we took a completely different approach? What if we drew motivation from one of the greatest athletes in history — Cristiano Ronaldo? While the worlds of football and programming may seem miles apart, Ronaldo’s relentless drive, work ethic, and mindset offer valuable lessons that every programmer can apply in their journey. Here are seven compelling reasons why Ronaldo should be every programmer’s idol.

1. Relentless Work Ethic

Cristiano Ronaldo’s work ethic is legendary. From the beginning of his career, he has been known to stay behind after training sessions, honing his skills long after others have called it a day. As a programmer, adopting a similar attitude of constant learning and improvement is crucial. Whether it’s mastering a new language or solving complex problems, Ronaldo’s dedication reminds us that excellence comes from perseverance, not just talent.

2. Resilience in the Face of Failure

Ronaldo has faced plenty of challenges, setbacks, and criticism throughout his career. Yet, each time, he has bounced back stronger. In programming, failure is inevitable — whether it’s a bug you can’t squash, a feature that doesn’t work, or a project that fails. Ronaldo’s resilience teaches us that every setback is an opportunity for growth. It’s about getting up, dusting off, and trying again with more determination.

3. Mastering Your Craft

Just as Ronaldo spends countless hours perfecting his technique, programmers must put in the time to master their craft. Whether it’s writing cleaner code, optimizing algorithms, or learning about new technologies, dedication to improving your skills is the key to success. Like Ronaldo, you must be obsessive about your work, constantly refining and striving for greatness.

4. Adaptability and Evolution

Ronaldo’s career is a testament to adaptability. Over the years, he has evolved from a flashy winger to a complete forward, adjusting his style of play to remain at the top. Similarly, the tech landscape is always changing. The tools and languages you use today may become obsolete tomorrow. As a programmer, embracing change and learning to adapt is critical, just as Ronaldo has done on the pitch.

5. Teamwork and Leadership

Football is a team sport, and despite his individual brilliance, Ronaldo has always thrived within a team. He leads by example and motivates those around him. In programming, collaboration is essential. Whether you’re working on a development team or contributing to open-source projects, learning how to effectively communicate, share ideas, and lead when necessary is vital. Ronaldo’s approach to leadership is a model for working harmoniously within a team while still pushing others to succeed.

6. Setting High Standards

Cristiano Ronaldo’s desire to be the best has set incredibly high standards in the world of football. He doesn’t just aim for good; he aims for greatness. As a programmer, why settle for average code when you can aim for exceptional? Whether it’s building user-friendly interfaces, writing efficient algorithms, or contributing to groundbreaking projects, set your bar high. Challenge yourself to exceed expectations, just as Ronaldo does every time he steps on the field.

7. The Power of Self-Discipline

Behind Ronaldo’s incredible success lies immense self-discipline. From his strict diet to his rigorous training regime, everything he does is calculated for maximum performance. For programmers, self-discipline is equally important. Whether it’s managing your time efficiently, staying focused on tasks, or resisting distractions, being disciplined is crucial for productivity and long-term success in tech.

Cristiano Ronaldo isn’t just a footballer; he’s a symbol of perseverance, dedication, and excellence — qualities that resonate beyond the football field. As programmers, we can draw immense inspiration from his journey. His mindset and attitude are a reminder that, just like in football, greatness in programming comes from a combination of talent, relentless work, adaptability, and discipline. So, next time you’re tackling a tough bug or learning a new language, channel your inner Ronaldo and remember: you have the potential to be the best — just like him.



Muntasir Al Mamun

Software engineer with expertise in C/C++, Java, HTML/CSS/JS, and Unity. Passionate about graphics design and innovative technical projects.