How to Add Your Project to GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide

Muntasir Al Mamun
3 min readSep 4, 2024


Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, adding your project to GitHub is a crucial step in showcasing your work, collaborating with others, and contributing to the open-source community. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of getting your project on GitHub in just a few minutes.

Why GitHub?

GitHub is the go-to platform for hosting and managing code. It offers version control, collaboration tools, and a vast community of developers. By uploading your project to GitHub, you can keep track of changes, collaborate with others, and even get noticed by potential employers or collaborators.

Step 1: Create a GitHub Repository

1.1 Sign In to GitHub

First, head over to and sign in to your account. If you don’t have one, create an account — it’s free and easy.

1.2 Create a New Repository

  • Click on the New button next to the Repositories section on your dashboard.
  • Name your repository. Choose a name that reflects your project.
  • Add a description to let others know what your project is about.
  • Choose the visibility — Public if you want to share it with the world, Private if you want to keep it to yourself or a select group.
  • Initialize with a README: This is optional, but having a README file is a good practice. It explains what your project does, how to use it, and any other relevant information.

Hit the Create repository button, and voilà! You’ve just created your first GitHub repository.

Step 2: Connect Your Local Project to GitHub

Now that you have a GitHub repository, it’s time to connect your local project to it.

2.1 Initialize Git in Your Project Directory

Navigate to your project directory in your terminal or command prompt. Run the following command to initialize a new Git repository:

git init

This creates a hidden .git folder in your project, indicating that Git is now tracking your project.

2.2 Add Your Files to the Repository

Add all your project files to the Git repository using:

git add .

This stages all the files in your project for the first commit. You can replace the dot (.) with specific filenames if you only want to add certain files.

2.3 Commit Your Changes

Commit your staged files with a message:

git commit -m “Initial commit”

Your project is now tracked by Git.

2.4 Add the Remote Repository

You need to link your local repository to the GitHub repository you just created. Run:

git remote add origin

Replace yourusername and your-repository-name with your GitHub username and the repository name, respectively.

2.5 Push Your Project to GitHub

Finally, push your changes to GitHub:

git push -u origin master

Your project is now live on GitHub!

Step 3: Managing Your Project on GitHub

Congratulations! Your project is now on GitHub. Here are a few tips for managing it:

  • Update regularly: Commit and push changes frequently to keep your project up to date.
  • Branching and merging: Use branches for new features or bug fixes, and merge them into the main branch when they’re ready.
  • Collaborate: Invite others to contribute, and manage pull requests to keep your project growing.

Adding your project to GitHub is more than just an upload — it’s a way to document your journey as a developer, share your work, and collaborate with others. Whether you’re contributing to open source or building your portfolio, GitHub is an essential tool in your developer toolkit.

Now that your project is on GitHub, what’s your next step? Maybe it’s time to explore issues and pull requests, or perhaps you’re ready to contribute to someone else’s project. Whatever it is, GitHub is the place to start.

Happy coding!



Muntasir Al Mamun

Software engineer with expertise in C/C++, Java, HTML/CSS/JS, and Unity. Passionate about graphics design and innovative technical projects.